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Students in the older grades build on their mastery of the history and geography memory work and delve deeper into history.  Guided by expert parents, they move through the three-year history cycle and study original source materials.  Through weekly reading assignments, students encounter prominent figures in history and hear the greatest stories ever told. 





Co-op day begins with mass every week. The CCC shared memory work curriculum presents a three year cycle of Catechesis, Scripture, and Latin prayers. Each week students work to memorize one or two questions from the Baltimore Catechism, a quote from Scripture, and part of a Latin prayer. In addition, with Father Laux’s four-part catechism series as a guide (Chief Truths of the Catholic Faith, Mass and the Sacraments, Catholic Morality, and Catholic Apologetics), all students in grades 6-8 participate in a weekly Catechism class (Catlab) where they learn

from visiting priests and religious and engage in lively discussions about their faith.

A private Confirmation is offered to all 7th-8th graders who have completed at least two years of catechism preparation with the Colm Cille Club. Confirmation is offered every two years through the co-op.



Students in the 6th grade are introduced to the Lost Tools of Writing program from the Circe Institute and complete approximately nine persuasive essays throughout the year. Students in 7th and 8th grade continue writing persuasive essays and also write a comparison essay, a 4-to-5-page research paper, a critique, and a personal narrative. Throughout the process, students practice self-editing and peer editing. Special focus is placed on offering feedback to peers thoughtfully and tactfully. All students work to

minimize common writing errors by solidifying their understanding of grammar and by taking special care to avoid run-ons and comma splices. As basic writing skills become stronger, students learn to weave new styles and tropes into their pieces. Finally, students improve their literary analysis skills through in-depth class discussions of texts.



Science at Colm Cille Club is taught in a three year cycle using memory work from the Classically Catholic Memory curriculum. In Year One, students explore plant and animal life.  Year Two covers earth science and astronomy, and Year Three explores the basics of chemistry and physics.  Each week students participate in hands-on lab experiments.  Older students learn to keep nature journals, write a lab report, and even complete dissections.


Students from grades six to eight have the opportunity to participate in a Ward Method Gregorian chant class taught by Dr. Jennifer Donelson, Director of Sacred Music at St. Joseph's Seminary. The Ward Method is a comprehensive music education method, developed by Catholic convert Justine Ward in the 1920s. The method has as its goals the education of the child in the beauty of the Church’s sacred music, and helping children participate well in the sacred liturgy through

the singing of Gregorian chant. The method incorporates ear training so that children are able to both intelligently hear and sing written music at sight, as well as a thorough grounding in musical notation which lends itself to other musical studies. Each student learns to match pitch and sing with good vocal technique. Games which develop composition and improvisation skills are incorporated


All students in grades 4-8 may participate in a theater classes that puts on a Shakespeare play every spring.  In March 2019, CCC students put on an abridged version of Macbeth. In 2020, they performed As You Like It.


Middle-School Art will explore the evolution of Art from pre-Historic times to the Roman Empire. While focusing on a variety of media, students will have the opportunity to identify great works of art while creating their own. Through historically inspired projects, students will become familiar with and further their understanding of the seven elements of art: line, shape, form, space, value, texture, and color. 

The curriculum format aligns with CCC’s study of ancient civilizations through the Greek and Roman Empires. Inspired by the works of master artists the children will gain a better

grasp of the historical and cultural context in which art evolved throughout antiquity.


A focus on the seven principles of art are incorporated with each lesson.  Guided by our tutors who place emphasis on beauty meaning and creativity into each project,  each child is encouraged to make his/her work a unique composition, connecting with its source. 





Sir Gwain and the Green Knight



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